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EP 171: How To Run A Multiple-Figure Revenue Company on 15 Hours A Week

business organization & systems scale your business

Join me in welcoming my guest Avani Jain to the show! Avani is multi-passionate entrepreneur, CEO of Matcha Design Labs and host of the podcast Unsubscribe. She believes in taking the clutter out of our mental inbox and everything the world is adding to it, so we can truly find what lights us up and how to overcome challenges in all aspects of business, relationships and life! 


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One of the main things we will be focusing on is creating freedom in your business through systems and framework. These are not only great as a business owner, but can be implemented in your daily routine, podcast and content creation, and so much more! Maximize your time and ideas, especially if it means you’ll have more time to listen to this podcast! So pull up a chair and let’s get into this discussion you’ll totally want to jump back to later!


I just loved chatting about Avani’s love of learning and how she uses everything she absorbs into her life and business. Alongside running her design business, she’s been taking a Neuro Linguistics program with success coaching too, and that’s one of the things that really sparked her passion to begin her own podcast journey. We talked a little bit about Human Design as well, with both of us actually being Generators! For Generators, it’s so important to prioritize things that feed our soul and light us up, because that will genuinely give us more energy and fuel for our day! 


Now let’s dive into the business side of things. After leaving her 9-5 for more flexibility and starting her own business, Avani realized that once it started to pick up momentum, she was losing that freedom she craved in the first place. This is where systems come into play! There are a variety of different project management systems you can use in your own business, which could be a whole episode in itself, so let's just go over its benefits. When you finally put all those tasks that can easily build up in one place and organize them, you can release that ‘mental ticker’ in your mind that is spending so much time trying to remember it all. This creates space and freedom that we all so desperately need, right!


Let’s break down one of Avani’s favorite systems for running her business. First she sorts her tasks into two different categories: 

1) Computers tasks: Where you need to be sitting in front of the computer to get work done.

2) Phone or “waiting in line” tasks: Which are micro tasks that don’t need to be done in a specific way, can be clearing up smaller jobs and can be done while doing something else like waiting in line, or for me, in the carpool lane!


Within computers tasks, there are 2 sub categories:

  1. A) Makeup tasks: Where you might need to be on camera whether that’s for a zoom meeting or you’re recording and creating content, etc. These tasks generally require you to “get ready” whether that will be actually putting on a full face of makeup or socializing, which will take up more of your energy.
  2. B) Potato tasks: Where you aren’t doing any of the above things and don’t need to be “on” or look the part to do what needs to be done. Hello sweatpants and a messy bun! 


The biggest advice that will lend itself when using this system is organizing your days to fit these tasks. So having specific makeup vs. potato tasks days to match your high or low energy days, as well as preparing yourself mentally for the day ahead! 


The other system Avani shared that I wanted to highlight was her “Idea Catching System”. This is an intentional place to capture all your ideas whether you might be in the office, at your desk, at the grocery store or in the car! There are of course programs you can use for this too, but the best place to start is to simply keep a note on your phone using the Notes App! Use this as a catch-all board, divided into sections depending on what the idea might fit into. However, you can also keep them all in one list during the day and take 5 minutes to divide them in their proper sections later. I personally love sending a good voice message to myself so I can listen to my ideas and get deeper into my meaning behind them! The secret to this system is quantity over quality. Put down anything and everything, because you can hunt for the good within the chaos during more devoted time. You never know what piece of gold might be in there when you allow yourself to get creative and inspired! 

Once you build systems into your workflow, after a while you’ll be surprised at how easy they come and work to make your life EASIER! Definitely head over to Avani’s account @avanimjain to see all the great things she’s sharing over there!


Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss a single upcoming episode, and check out my youtube channel if you haven’t already! 


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